Thursday, November 20, 2008

Maya Angelou

oh, to have such a gift - to elegantly express wisdom

have an attitude of gratitude

good done anywhere is good done everywhere.

love and fear don't go together - fear will dominate...

all of this inspiration came from listening to a heartwarming interview with Maya Angelou on the Diane Rehm Show today

take the time to listen - you will be delighted it you do.


hope, indeed

have you recovered from all the excitement of the election?

how do we honor the satisfaction and romance of the moment when history was made and many cried tears of joy?

i would like to honor it by integrating hope, courage and thoughtful speech and action, the qualities of Barak Obama that inspire me, more fully into my life.

i will be looking for a path that will allow me to participate in creating the solutions to our challenges. only time will tell when and where that path will be discovered.